Imprisoned Souls


Imprisoned Souls

We live in a world rich in its diversity of intolerance of independent thought and self-directed living.

Such expressions of personal independence and creativity are threats to the slavish conformity of the mass of fearful, repressed people hiding in their submissiveness to traditional ideologies that give them status in social hierarchies that limit the full human potential of the individual.

This maintains, without merit, the elevation of patriarchs and power-hungry mediocrities, who clip the wings of the human spirit, and direct the enforcement of their systems of mental and physical imprisonment of the masses serving them.

1 October 2018


Ella García’s response to “Imprisoned Souls”:

I read it, and in my limited life experience I agree. But now, for my sake, I want you to write one last stanza with encouraging words. I’m noticing what you just said in everyday life and I want happy words.


A Self-Directed Life

Even in the most restrictive of societies, it is always possible for a person to keep their independence of thought alive, at a minimum as an inner experience and unexpressed part of daily life. From that oasis of freedom, you can do two things:

— work out your artistry, even if it is only mentally, or if it is as simple as the perfection of the skills of awareness and deft action that you apply to your work and your routine actions; and

— be conscious to incorporate your accumulating observations and experiences into the strengthening and refinement of your own moral character.

Retaining control of who you are as an authentic human being — regardless of external circumstances — is the essence of leading a self-directed life.

If and when you are fortunate enough to live in better and freer social circumstances, then take advantage of your luck by using the opportunities open to you, to expand your artistic efforts and to reach for achieving your full human potential.

The joys of life do not hang from trees like ripe fruit ready to be picked, nor sweep into you as gifts like balmy breezes at the summer seashore. They are born out of you as a natural consequence of leading a self-directed life.

Live long and prosper.

2 October 2018


School Trolls and Choice Schools

Multi-culturalism doesn’t work. Every ethnicity wants to promote its own and win “success” over all others. That is why there is a visceral preference for segregation by every ethnicity everywhere. On the idea of integration, American schools have proved that: if they are public and separate they cannot be equal; if they are integrated and public they cannot be excellent; if they are private and selective they can be integrated and good. “Excellent” means every student graduates with a good education. “Selective” means expensive for the average student, and free for cherry-picked exceptional talent in poverty.

To be excellent, a school must be staffed with educators, those who enable each student to succeed at learning how to become a motivated critical thinker who proceeds to carry on their own career. Being an educator requires talent and awareness that can deliver teaching suited to each individual student’s needs. American schools are too rigid and disorganized, and have too few educators and too many bureaucratic gatekeepers and trolls (as in the story “Three Billy Goats Gruff”). These trolls maintain the barriers students are supposed to overcome on their own “to prepare them for college.”

These barriers are quite simply a lack of teaching: a lack of clear specific answers to individual students’ questions about assigned work (“see my blog”), substituting “homework” as self-learning by students in place of “the teacher” actually presenting informative classroom instruction, and an obsessive rigidity about grades and schedules (on which public school income is now based). The consequence of these barriers and the “preparation” they provide is to frustrate natural talent and to inculcate onto succeeding generations the intellectual mediocrity that the school trolls embody.


18 February 2017, response to above, on US Public/Mandatory Primary Education:

[The School Accountability Scam, and mandatory standardized testing] “is an intentional set up to bring about the demise of the public education system” BINGO! “The future of our educational system, and the future of our children, is at stake.” NOT A CONCERN. $620+B of public money is spent on public education in the US each year. The FREE MARKET sees this as a waste, and wants to get this bountiful money stream flowing into its hands as another goldmine of profitability (“privatize”). This is what all the hysterical propaganda (lies) and the push for “vouchers” to for-profit schools is all about. The economic dream is to have Harvard-level tuition for “competitive” Pre-Schools and all the way up: Elementary, Middle, High School, and college. Just as good money can be made from your-money-or-your-life “private” and “voucher” health care (“insurance”), so will parents desperate for successful children “pay anything” for getting their baby into a “good” school (without “those” low class students) which will guarantee (ha ha) their baby graduating into the success class of American society. School privatization is purely stealth segregation on steroids, and sadly, most Americans are prejudiced enough and delusional enough (about their own merit) to believe in this. Betsy DeVoid is not an aberration, she is the face of the popular national ignorance — and prejudice and greed. For these “success” people (who are intrinsically anti-democratic), mass public education is solely for the purpose of grinding down childhood creativity and curiosity into featureless, unquestioning, obedient and reliable robots, to be used as disposable laborers in the economic enterprises of the success people. If the US corporations really need workers who know math or science, they can just import them on H1-B visas from Malaysia or Russia, or wherever they actually teach youngsters. It’s all about the money; it’s all about exploitation; people don’t count because that is an unwanted overhead expense to mechanized systems of profitability (capital gains!). There is no national solidarity, it is all colonialism with a plantation economics mentality.
